Everyone has their favorite jokes.
Some are funny for a while but soon grow old, while others are timeless.
Here are a few of my favorites that continue to tickle as time goes by.
Many years ago when dirt was still new, I listened to a friend's father recite this joke and it sent me rolling on the floor laughing and turning blue. Though I only heard it told one time, it was forever etched into my mind and quickly became one of my favorite jokes that I've retold countless times over the years that followed. (Tip - Works best with a fake Southern accent.)
A young man came home from war.
As he approached his home, he called out, “Hello, Ma!”
She replied, “Hello, Son! Where have you been?”
“Off to war, Ma.”
“Did you win?”
“Yeah Ma, we won. Where’s Pa?”
“He’s out back in the fields.”
So the young man walks out behind the house and sees his Pa working and he calls out...
“Hello Pa!”
“Hello Son! Where have you been?”
“Off to war, Pa.”
“Did you win?”
“Yeah Pa, we won.”
“Did you learn anything?”
“I learned to shoot machine guns and throw hand grenades.”
“Hand grenade?” “What’s a hand grenade?”
“Well, I thought you might say that Pa, so I brought one along. Here look!”
The young man held the grenade out for his Pa to see.
His Pa looks down at it and says, “Well, that’s a mighty cute little thing, but what’cha do with it?”
The young man replies, “Here Pa, I’ll show ya.”
So he pulls the handle, yanks the pin and throws the grenade by an old outhouse settin’ in the field.
It rolls up under and blows up.
Pa looked down at his son and said, “Now, son, ya shouldn’t ought’a done that.”
“Well, why not Pa?”
“’Cuz, your grandma was in there.”
Just then, as the boards, dust, and dirt begin settlin' to the ground, you see his grandma just sittin’ there and she looks up and says, “Whew! Good thing I didn’t do that in the house!”